招手- wave
抱孩子- holding a child
挥手- wave
伸手- reaching out
梳头- combing hair
摇头– shake head
放手-let go
点头- nod head
拍手- clap
抱紧- hug tightly
捧脸- hold face
抱拥- embrace
搓手- rub hands together
搂腰– hug waist
摸头- touch head
抓东西- grabbing something
挠头– scratch head
双手拨头发- hands in hair
握手- shake hands
双手V手势- double peace pose
弯腰- bending over
手放脸上- hand on own face
深蹲– squatting
手臂放头后- arms behind head
喝水- drinking water
手挥手– waving hand
刷牙- brushing teeth
手捂嘴- covering mouth with hand
洗脸- washing face
手捂胸口- covering chest with hand
仰卧- lie on back
手放在嘴边- hand to mouth
侧卧– lie on side
手拍肚子- patting stomach
起立- get up
手抱臂- hugging oneself
坐着- sit
舔手指– finger to mouth
站立- stand
转身- turnaround
行走– walk
伸手- reach out
奔跑- run
推门- push door
蹲下 – squat
拉门- pull door

手扶着椅子- hands on chair
手扶着头- hands on head
手舞足蹈- gesticulating
手指指向- pointing with fingers
手扶着腰- hands on waist
手扶着胸- hands on chest
手指敲击- tapping with fingers
手指比划- gesturing with fingers
手拍肚子- patting stomach
手抱臂- hugging oneself
手扶额头- supporting the forehead with the hand
手撑下巴- propping up the chin with the hand
手拍手- clapping hands
拍照- taking a photo
站立弯腰- bend over while standing
趴着睡觉– sleep on stomach
仰着睡觉- sleep on back
侧着睡觉- sleep on side
涂红- applying lipstick
化妆- putting on makeup
穿鞋– putting on shoes
脱衣服- taking off clothes
穿衣服– putting on clothes
手扶着脸- hands on face
打扮- dressing up
拉手提包- carrying a handbag
抬手- raise hand
抱拳- clench fist
抱臂- cross arms
指点- point
指向- point towards
摆手- gesture with hand
抬腿踢球- kick a ball
张开双腿– spread legs
单腿站立- standing on one leg
双腿交又- crossed legs
手放在自己的大腿上- hand on own thigh
自拍- selfie
玩水- wading
手夹腿间- hand between legs
耸肩- shrugging shoulders
抱腿- holding legs
抬起腿- leg up
搂肩- hug shoulder
转身踢腿– turn around and kick
弯腰捡东西- bend down to pick up something